I wanted to make a bigger impact: Sanya Puri on leaving a lucrative job to become a beauty influencer

The one differentiating factor that stands out the most between millennials and the older generations before them is their need to do something different and make a difference. We are no longer satisfied with just making good money or doing a fancy job. We need to do much more than that and this feeling is what led Indian social media influencer Sanya Puri who goes by @makeuppolitan on Instagram, to quit a high paying job as a French translator for Amazon, and become a full time content creator.

Passion over money

Sanya realized very early on that a 9-5 job was not something that could satiate her creative needs. “I needed to do more. I had a great job at Amazon and everything was perfect but for some reason, I was just not satisfied. That is when I decided to quit my job and start something else which would be a creative outlet for me. I have always loved makeup and that’s how I started my page,” says the Indian beauty influencer.

The social media blogger says that the best part about being a creator is being able to explore the creative side inside her and also helping people who really trust her and her recommendations. ” It feels great to be in a place where people ask me for my opinion on things and I am able to help them,” she says.

Transparency with audience

Sanya is very particular about the kind of posts she makes on Instagram. She says honesty is her USP that helps her stay connected to her 37k followers, “I only take up brand deals with products that I believe are good, and that too only after using them. I have developed an authentic relationship with my audience and I would never let anything come in the way of that bond, certainly not money,” says the beauty and lifestyle blogger.

Sanya adds that she is always real on social media and that is very important for her because she would never want to promote unrealistic beauty standards. “I am very raw and real on social media. I want my followers to know that there is no such thing as perfect or perfect skin. Everyone has their own issues and everyone is dealing with them in their own way,” she says.

Honesty goes viral

The makeup influencer says that her first video that went viral was one where she had shared her struggles with acne and how she overcame them. “I was very underconfident in my skin to an extent that I wouldn’t even click pictures of myself. I took a lot of medication and saw doctors but nobody could solve the issue for me. They all only gave me temporary solutions. It’s only when I found out the root causes and started treating them that I started feeling better. I changed my lifestyle, diet and that made a huge difference. I tell my followers the same — you have to live a healthy life to be happy. You are what you eat and I truly believe that,” she signs off. We couldn’t agree more with her!

Sanya Puri is managed by Chtrbox Represent where we represent over 50 of the best Indian influencers, similar to Sanya who are great food, lifestyle, beauty, makeup and fitness influencers.

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