Have you ever wondered what goes on BTS to make one of India’s top fashion influencers? We certainly have! The good thing is that this week we got to catch up with the brilliant fashion Influencer and blogger Shalini Chopra! Her fashion is wearable, stunning and still has a sense of an edgy style to it. As of today, she has 415k followers on Instagram and has an established herself a key figure in Indian fashion trends on her blog, Stylish By Nature.
Let’s take an insider’s look at this top fashion influencer’s life!
First up, who or what inspired you to become a fashion influencer?
I inherited my love for wearing stylish outfits from my parents. For the past few years, I used to share my outfits on online portals and used to get requests to start blogging. Initially, I ignored those requests since blogging is very time-consuming. However, eventually, the requests wore me down and I decided to give my passion for fashion a chance with my blog.
One of Shalini’s favourite pieces of content she’s created
What’s been your journey as a fashion influencer been like?
The journey has been quite satisfying up to now. Hard work and consistency is what has helped me build a connection with my audience.
What’s your biggest challenge as a fashion influencer?
One of my main challenges is plagiarism. It truly affects you when people simply pick up your ideas and work and post it without any credits. I ignore people who copy me to my bones as much as I can but it still stands to be a big challenge. In the end, I understand that people can copy your style but not your soul. I work by trusting my gut and by focusing on making great content for my audience. This has helped me overcome this challenge a lot.
What are your favourite apps you use? (For editing, shooting, etc)
For editing, I use Lightroom, VSCO and Snapped and for shooting Canon Connect is my go-to!
Tell us the truth – how much time do you spend on social media? 
Consistency is the key to be on social media. It’s been 10 years since Stylish by Nature started and I haven’t taken a single break. So, you can imagine the time spent on social media!
What is your favourite piece of content you’ve made?
Every piece of content requires pre-planning, teamwork, loads of hard work and creative juices.
It has been quite a journey from a camera-shy girl to talking to the camera for an hour straight. The good thing is that my followers think I’m getting comfortable with creating content. Which is a real boost.
Some of my favourite content pieces by me is my shoot for LIVA, my video for Fiama and my video for Foreo.
Lastly, what is the one thing you’d like to change as a fashion blogger?
I just want to request readers to encourage fashion bloggers in the right spirit. It’d be great if people could appreciate the sweat and effort which goes into fashion blogging.
We agree it’s a hard job!
Thank you so much, Shalini for giving us an insider look into what it takes to be a fashion blogger and influencer. We definitely appreciate your effort every time your content comes up on our feeds and leaves us feeling inspired!
We hope you keep making amazing content and lighting up our feeds! <3
Loved this interview? Learn from other top influencers in our blogs with Sejal Kumar, Sonal Devraj or Palak Sindhwani!